Nader J. Sayegh (D)
District 90
District 90 Map
Contact Information
District Office
35 East Grassy Sprain Rd.
Yonkers, NY 10710
Fax: 914 779-8859
Albany Office
LOB 326
Albany, NY 12248
518 455 3662
Fax: 455-5499
Committee Membership
- Committee on Banks
- Committee on Cities
- Committee on Energy
- Committee on Health
- Committee on Real Property Taxation
- Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic & Asian Legislative Caucus
Nader Sayegh earned a BA from CUNY Lehman College, an MA from Farleigh Dickinson University and Fordham University, and a J.D. from Pace University School of Law. His professional experience includes working as an educator and attorney.
Sayegh ran in the 2018 election as a DemocrtaicParty, Working Families Party, Women’s Equality Party, Independence Party, Reform Party, and Green Party candidate.
Sayegh defeated Joe Pinion (R) in the general election for New York State Assembly District 90 on November 6, 2018.