Joann Dyckman
1. Freedom Of Information Compliance And Knowledge Ratings

To date Joann Dyckman has been given two difficult FOI requests all were responded to a delivered in 60 hours or less.
Ms. Dyckman Clearly has one of the most informative Town Clerk Webpages in Westchester County.
The Cortlandt Clerks office is professionally run with a consumer friendly approach that serves the town residents well.
With nearly two decades of responsive service using bold public access initiatives. She has set on of the highest standards in Records management techniques in Westchester County by moving to automated records retention, instantly scanning and transmitting electronically, transcribe minutes using streaming video.
Clearly Ms.Dyckman is a dependable and proven full-time public service to clearly understands New York States freedom of Information Laws and the need for accountability and transparency in local government.
If we could we would give Ms. Dyckman’s Office six stars, but our FOI Compliance Scale only goes to five stars.
But we are holding two thumbs up as we announce that JoannDyckman is one of Westchester’s 5 Star Clerks.

Ms. Dyckman’s other civic service activities include:
Cortlandt Waterfront Preservation Committee
Cortlandt Advanced Life Support Committee
Committee for Respect & Toleration
2. Email Address To Submit A FOI Request
3.Street Address To Submit An FOI Request
Town Clerk’s Office
Town of Cortlandt
1 Heady Street
Cortlandt Manor, NY 10567
4. Experience:
Jo-Ann Dyckman is proud to be serving her 15th year as Cortlandt’s Town Clerk after being elected to three, four year terms.
Prior to running for public office Jo-Ann was publisher for many years of the local newspaper the “Cortlandt Observer”. It was during those years, reporting the local news, that she realized her desire to serve the people of Cortlandt in a different capacity.
Public service comes in many forms and Jo-Ann has a strong background of leadership and advocacy involved in many community related organizations and volunteer roles. Starting at the age of 14 as a candy striper at the Hudson Valley Hospital Center, her dedication has spanned decades and includes serving on the Committee for Respect and Tolerance (HHHS); the Cortlandt Advanced Life Support (Paramedic) Committee; past President of the Verplanck Residents’ Association; and the Cortlandt Waterfront Preservation Committee. She currently volunteers time as a Town Hall campus gardener and is particularly proud the renovation that the Town Hall Courtyard has undergone as this area is used several times throughout the year including Memorial Day to honor our Veterans. Jo-Ann was involved with the development of the Cortlandt Technology Committee and the Green Team at Town Hall. This new “Green Team” initiative includes a plan to reduce Cortlandt’s consumption of energy by 25%.
Since taking office in 1998 Jo-Ann has spearheaded a series of bold initiatives in the Town Clerk’s Office to update the technology and incorporate modern management techniques in the day-to-day operations. Major accomplishments include:
Ø moving to automated records retention and the use of several software programs to allow for instant retrieval for vital statistics, licenses and permits.
Ø Working closely with the Town IT department she now scans and electronically transmits vital information packets to Town Board members and department heads saving many hundreds of pages in paper
Ø Transcribes minutes using streaming video.
Ø Implemented the Laserfiche program which allows practically instant retrieval of documents dating back decades.
“When I was first elected to the position of Town Clerk 15 years ago my office staff typically used a process server, copy machine, fax and phone and even an antiquated typewriter. By implementing an innovative and proactive approach over many years, a typical day now includes the use of up to date computers with high speed internet access, scanned documents, e-mail with attachments, the electronic transfer of funds, web pages and several software programs that allow for almost instant retrieval of documents dating back for decades, and efficient tracking of vital statistics.”
Responsibilities of the Town Clerk span a wide spectrum that includes assisting with the preparation of the Town Board business agendas, resolutions, local laws and ordinances with detailed and time sensitive follow-up; execution of hundreds of Town Board authorized contracts and agreements; preparation of all Town Board and Public Hearing minutes; maintaining required securities; issuance of various licenses and permits in accordance with Town and New York State law; and all Town records retention.
Jo-Ann Dyckman serves as the Registrar of Vital Statistics and issues all birth, death and marriage certificates in the Town of Cortlandt. She is the local election liaison for Westchester County and Town Freedom of Information Officer. “It is vital that the Town Clerk utilize the power of her office to create a climate conducive to progressive planning, productive problem solving and effective, efficient public service for all citizens.”
Jo-Ann is a lifelong area resident and has made the Town of Cortlandt her home for the last 35 years. She is the proud mother of Wendy, 29, a graduate of Hendrick Hudson High School and the University of Massachusetts, currently working for a large law firm in Boston; and Sarah, 23, also a graduate of Hendrick Hudson High School, currently working in Tarrytown as a Certified Medical Assistant.
5. From The Town Of Cortlandt Website:

Welcome Town of Cortlandt Town Clerk Joann Dyckman
The office of the Town Clerk is the hub around which Town business revolves. The Town Clerk, elected every four years, is the Records Management Officer of the Town. Custodian of all the records, the Clerk is responsible for active files, disposition of inactive records and protection of the archives. As Secretary to the Town Board, the Clerk is responsible for preparing and maintaining the minutes of Town Board meetings. Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) requests are administered by this office. The Clerk of Cortlandt also serves as the Registrar of Vital Statistics.
Please note Cortlandt is proud to now offer their Town Board, Zoning Board and Planning Board meeting videos streaming online. Please visit our main homepage and scroll down to “Now Streaming” to view latest content.
Birth Certificates
All birth certificates are filed with the Commissioner of Health of New York State. Your birth certificate is also on file in the clerk’s office of the municipality where you were born.
Requirements for Certified Copies of Birth Certificates:
- Birth Certificates can only be obtained by persons born within the Town of Cortlandt provided they are 18 years of age or older; their parents or legal guardian can obtain their certificate.
- They can be obtained in person with identification (Driver’s License), or by mail.IF applying in person: You will need:a. Exact change, money order, or personal checks (do not accept out of State checks) for $10 per copy payable to Town of Cortlandt.
b. Photo copy of Identification.
c. Person’s name, date or birth, parents names including
mother’s maiden name.IF applying by MAIL – You will need:a. Money order, or personal checks (do not accept out of State checks) for $10 per copy payable to Town of Cortlandt.
b. A Notarized letter stating the person’s name, date or birth, parents names including mother’s maiden name.
c. The name and address of where to send the document.
- The mailing address is: Joann Dyckman
Cortlandt Town Clerk
1 Heady Street
Cortlandt Manor , NY 10567A certified copy or certified transcript of a birth certificate may be issued only:
1. To the person named on the birth certificate, if 18 years of age or older.
2. To the parents of the person named on the birth certificate.
3. To a lawful representative of the person named or the parents of the person named on the birth certificate.
4. To the Commissioner of Health.
5. To a person with a New York State Court Order.
6. To a municipal, state or federal agency for official purposes.
There is charge of $10.00 per certified birth.
Death Certificates
Requirements for Certified Copies of Death Certificates:Death Certificates can only be obtained by:
1) Spouse, parent or child of the deceased.
2) A lawful representative of the spouse, parent or child of the deceased
3) Funeral Home
4) A person requiring the record for a documented legal right or claim. This is established on the basis of documentation that the requestor has a legal need for the copy of the death certificate.
5) A municipal, state or federal agency when needed for official purposes.
They can be obtained in person with identification (Driver’s License), or by mail.
If requesting a death certificate by mail, the person must include:
a. Money Order or personal checks (do not accept out of State checks) $10 per copy payable to Town of Cortlandt
b. Notarized Letter stating reason for request and relationship to person.
Please Note: Death Certificate’s are not public record.
The Town Clerk of Cortlandt is the local liaison with the Westchester County Board of Elections. For more information please click the following links.
Polling Place Locator
Poll Worker Information
Board of Elections.
Freedom of Information Officer
Freedom of Information Law (FOIL)New York State’s Freedom of Information Law (Public Officers Law §87 et. seq. ) allows members of the public to access records of governmental agencies. FOIL provides a process for the review and copying of an agency’s records.
Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) Requests
Freedom of Information Law requests for Town of Cortlandt records may be made by filling out a form and submitting it to the Town Clerk.
Once the form is completed you can either
Mail it to:
Joann Dyckman, Town Clerk
Town of Cortlandt
1 Heady St
Cortlandt Manor, NY 10567
OR sending via E-Mail joannd@townofcortlandt.com
Hunting & Fishing
The Town Clerk’s office issues Hunting and Fishing Licenses on behalf of New York State. The licenses which are issued are valid anywhere in New York State. Non-State Residents may also apply for NYS Hunting and Fishing Liceneses at a different fee schedule.
All applicants for Hunting and Fishing Licenses must comply with the regulation of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. More details below.
For full information about Hunting and Fishing Licenses and the requirements of New York State – please visit:
Marriage Licenses
Marriage License Information
Town Clerk
Registrar’s Office
1 Heady St
Cortlandt Manor, NY 10567
Monday to Friday 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., except on the last day of the month
when they are only issued from 9AM to 10 AM
(914) 734-1020A couple who intends to be married in New York State must apply in person for a marriage license to any town or city clerk in the State. The application for a license must be sworn and signed in the presence of the issuing clerk by both the bride and groom.A representative cannot apply for the license on behalf of the bride or groom. This applies even if the representative has been given the Power of Attorney. Notarized marriage license affidavits signed by the bride or groom cannot be substituted for their personal appearance.All applicants must bring valid forms of identification when applying for a marriage license. Expired forms of identification will not be accepted.
2 Forms of Identification are necessary,
one from each column per person. |
Column 1
Column 2
Proof of age and identity:
* A Certified Record of Birth.* A Baptismal Record.* A Naturalization Record. |
One current identification related
document with phot
* Valid, current U.S. Driver’s License or valid U.S. non-driver’s license.* Valid Passport, non U.S. passports must have current VISA.* U.S. Military Identification.* Valid and unexpired Green Card. |
Photocopies of the above documents will not be accepted
as proof of identity.
All foreign documents, not in English, require a certified translation. Acceptable are those produced by consulates, embassies and universities.
Information regarding all previous marriages must be furnished in the application for a marriage license. This includes whether the applicants are divorced, whether the former spouse or spouses are living and, if so, when, where and against whom the divorce or divorces were granted.
A certified copy of the last Decree of Divorce with Official Seal or a Certificate of Dissolution of Marriage is required. Divorce papers in a foreign language must be accompanied by a certified translation. If widow or widower, a certified copy of death certificate must be presented.$40.00 fee must be paid in exact change or money order, personal checks (do not accept out of State checks). Fees are set by the State of New York and may be changed at any time.
A marriage license is valid for 60 days, beginning 24 hours after issuance.
Age Requirements:
If either applicant is under 14 years of age, a marriage license cannot be issued.
If either applicant is 14 or 15 years of age, such applicant’s must present the written consent of both parents and a justice of the Supreme Court or a judge of the Family Court having jurisdiction over the town or city in which the application is made. If either applicant is 16 or 17 years of age, such applicant(s) must present the written consent of both parents.
If both applicants are 18 years of age or older, no consents are required.
No premarital examination or blood test is required to obtain a marriage license in New York State.
To visit our Downloadable Forms Page CLICK HERE
Town Code Book
The Town Clerk is responsible for all updates to the Town Code Book. The current version of the Town Code Book is available via link to General Code Publishers.
Town of Cortlandt Code Book
Clerk Permits, Certificates, Licenses
The Town Clerk issues State licenses such as marriage, hunting and fishing, games of chance, dog, bingo, peddlers and parade permits. The Town Clerk is the Registrar of Vital Statistics, issues and maintains all birth and death certificates and records in the Town and issues Marriage licenses.
You can hover your mouse over the left hand side menu under Town Clerk and click “Downloadable Forms” for more detailed application. Some of the most popular have direct links below.
Marriage Licenses
Death Certificates
Birth Certificates
Hunting and Fishing Licenses
6. Notes:
This Page Has Been Updated With New Information
About Cortlandt, New York

Cortlandt is a town in Westchester County, New York, United States. The population was 41,592 at the 2010 census. Cortlandt is located at the northwest edge of the county, at the eastern terminus of the Bear Mountain Bridge.
Commuter service to New York City is available via the Cortlandt train station and the Croton-Harmon train station, served by Metro-North Railroad.
U.S. Route 9 passes through the town along the Hudson River side.
The Bear Mountain Bridge Road and Toll House and Site of Old Croton Dam are listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
Population: 41,592 (2010)
Unemployment rate: 4.1% (Apr 2015)